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The Clinton Guild will be hosting its
Annual Pumpkin Fest on Friday, October 21!
Bring your painted, illuminated or carved
pumpkins to enter our Pumpkin Contest!
Drop off time is 4:30 to 6:30 pm the day of the event.
Pumpkins can be scary, funny or creative - it's up
to you! A panel of judges comprised of the Clinton
Guild will offer prizes to winners of several categories.
Start thinking about what kind of pumpkin you want
to create this year, and get ready for a
hauntingly good time for the whole family!
For more information,
N e w J e r s e y A N i M e A l s
AniMeals began in California in 1984. A local Meals on Wheels program
discovered that many of their clients were using portions of their meals
to feed their pets. AniMeals soon emerged. Since then, several states
have successfully duplicated the original AniMeals program.
In New Jersey, it is recognized that despite the affluence of Hunterdon
County and neighboring areas, there are many dog and cat owners in
need. In early 2007, a fledgling New Jersey AniMeals contacted County agencies,
who determined that many people receiving social service benefits, with mental
health and housing challenges, as well as low-income, shut-in, and disabled persons,
would benefit from a program like AniMeals.
NJ AniMeals began delivering pet food and litter in September 2007.
In less than six months, the program doubled. We are now serving over 40
households in Hunterdon and Warren Counties. Applications and periodic reviews
ensure that New Jersey AniMeals stays current with household needs and uses
our resources wisely. In 2014 AniMeals became a program of Living for a Cause,
a 501c3 dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people, animals and the
planet we all share.
Every month, our volunteers make bulk deliveries of dog food, cat food and kitty
litter to our clients' homes, without charge. Our organization is staffed 100% by
volunteers. New Jersey AniMeals currently has a waiting list. It is our hope to
expand soon so that we may also serve these pets and the people who love them.
If you would like to volunteer, check out our Get Involved page on our
website: www.newjerseyanimeals.org. If you are aware of a need in your
community that is not being met we'd like to hear about it. Contact us
at: 1.908.752.1927 or via email at: info@newjerseyanimeals.org. Our
mailing address is: PO Box 12, Stanton, NJ 08885.
Would you like us to consider supporting an arts workshop in your
community or school? Please check out our "workshop information"
on our website. If you would like to talk with us about a sponsorship or
contribution, please contact: marisa@livingforacause.org.
Proudly Serving Hunterdon County Since 1988
185 Center St., Clinton • 735.4499
October Is
Locally Owned and Operated
by Phil & Diane Koury
In Memory
Of Our
Georgia H.