Clinton Township Newsletter

February 2016 Issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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2 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 "Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction." ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939 C l i n t o n F i r s t A i d & r e s C u e s q u A d l A u n C h e s n e w r e C r u i t m e n t , A w A r e n e s s e F F o r t More Volunteers are needed to respond to a growing number of emergency calls! Prompted by the rising number of local calls for emergency assistance and the nationwide shortage of volunteer first responders, Clinton First Aid & Rescue Squad has launched a proactive recruitment and awareness campaign: The Power to Save Others is In Your Hands. Share it. Clinton First Aid & Rescue serves Clinton Township, the Town of Clinton, Lebanon Borough, and portions of Union Township and Franklin Township. The squad responded to 2,614 calls for medical assistance or rescue in 2014 alone, a nearly six percent increase from the previous year. In 2015, calls are projected to top 3,000 – an astonishing call volume increase of nearly 15 percent in a single year, and more than 25 percent since 2012. A new website:, is the cornerstone of this new campaign. The site contains information about the many volunteer opportunities available with Clinton First Aid & Rescue Squad and allows those interested in volunteering to fill out an application. In December, every household in Clinton First Aid & Rescue's service area will receive a brochure with information about the tremendous service the organization provides to the community and how to contribute by becoming a volunteer. Current volunteers will also deliver this important message in person at community events. Many residents served by Clinton First Aid & Rescue do not realize it's largely volunteers providing treatment to patients before and during transport to the hospital and rescuing residents from the water or trapped in cars, collapsed buildings or other dangerous circumstances. The non-profit first aid and rescue squad employs a small number of career Emergency Medical Technicians to cover the hours when most volunteers are at work, but the majority of Clinton First Aid & Rescue personnel are donating their time. No one is expected to have the necessary medical or rescue skills when they walk in the door. Once a volunteer commits to the organization, training is provided at no cost. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) provide immediate care to the ill and injured and transport the patient to the hospital. Rescue Associates are EMTs or firefighters who also rescue people from life-threatening or hazardous circumstances, such as being trapped in a vehicle after an accident. Water Rescue Associates use specialized skills to rescue people during water-related emergencies, such as boating accidents or floods. Cadets are our youngest volunteers, ages 16 and 17. Cadets receive much of the same training and serve in many of the same ways as our other volunteers, and can quickly become full-duty members at age 18. Consider helping this worthy cause – find out more at: Don't Just Retire... Retire Strategically. Mark Chioda Managing Director/CEO • Income Planning • Insurance • Social Security Planning • Annuities • LTC ...and more! Call 908.797.3881 We'll Make Your Money Work For You! retirement planning services n C B l i B r A r y ' s J A n u A r y / F e B r u A r y e v e n t s Please Join Us at the Library and Enjoy our Programs! Jan. 28 Astronomy w/Paul Cirillo Thur 7 pm Jan. 30 Movie: TBD Sat 2 pm Feb. 3 Sierra: topic TBD Wed 7 pm Feb. 6 Winter Concert: David Podles - Violinist Sat 2 pm Feb. 9 Book Group - TBD Tues 7 pm Feb. 17 Fred Miller's Lectures-in-Song Wed. 2 pm Feb. 18 Luckiest Guys in the World Jazz Concert Thurs 7 pm Feb. 20 Winter Concert: Estere, Vocalist Sat 2 pm Feb. 23 NCB Garden Club - Topic TBD Tues 7 pm Feb. 25 Meditation w/Umesh Bhatia Thurs 7 pm Feb. 27 Movie: TBD Sat 2 pm Scrabble: Every Friday @ 1:00 pm Please register as these programs will fill! Call 908.730.6135 or visit the Library's Events Calendar at Dates, times and details are subject to change. See you at the Library! Shirley (Sherry) Havens CRS, GRI, SRES ® Sales Associate Because the Right Realtor Really Makes the Difference. Questions About Real Estate? Ask Sherry Over 30 Years Serving Huntercon, Somerset, Warren and Morris Counties cell: 908.507.4927 office: 908.735.8080, ext. 145 NOW HIRING SMILING FACES! APPLY IN PERSON OR ONLINE TODAY! Locally Owned and Operated by Phil & Diane Koury Proudly Serving Hunterdon County Since 1988 185 Center St., Clinton • 735.4499

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