Clinton Township Newsletter

June 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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3 j u n e 2 0 2 4 CarolBeder ' s People often ask me about the origin of this publication so, in the words of the original owner, Ruth Keesing (1928-2020), here it is: "I remember the day my late husband, Fred, suggested we publish a Township Newsletter. Both of us had been journalists, he as Photo Editor of what was then the Plainfield Courier News. I'd done a lot of freelance columns for several area newspapers, but was gainfully employed as an Administrative Manager for Bellcore back in 1982. Fred realized that being retired, for him, was just another opportunity to commence another endeavor. He approached the then Mayor of Clinton Township (Dick Maitland) with his idea and was summarily informed that there was not enough money in the budget to finance such a plan. So, Fred decided HE would publish a Township Newsletter on his own. He was quite computer savvy, for a man born in 1913, and soon filled a home office with computers, printers, file cabinets and a sound system that would enhance his days with marching bands and loud tenors. He hired a neighbor to do the "typing" and started pounding the pavements for advertisers to finance the project. Suffice to say, the local businesses were less than enthusiastic about placing ads in what was then a non-existent publication. I remember cruising up and down Routes 31 and 22, knocking on the doors of offices and stores and restaurants, pleading for a chance to run ads for them. Over the years he had three terrific "homemakers" (Meg, Becky and Jan) in charge of inputting enough material to fill 8 pages – then 10, 12, 14… and more. These wonderful women all preceded another wonderful woman – Julie Flynn, current Editor and owner of CTNL. The Township contributed news as did the local Board of Education. Advertisers began lining up to place copy in each issue. At one point several decades ago, Fred lost most of his eyesight to Macular Degeneration. Ever resourceful, he purchased a large screen computer with lots of fancy software to enhance the size of print and recruited Steve Kesselhaut as tutor/technician. It was slow tedious work and he often used a handheld magnifier to read copy. Never complaining about his visual handicap, he was determined to do the job of Editor and Publisher, although what used to be a ten minute job now took thirty to forty minutes. He used guest columnists to fill the left side of the front page. When one wasn't readily available he would say to me: "I can't get a REAL PERSON to do the column this month, so you write one." Apparently "real people" became scarce because, as the years went by (and I had retired by then), I ended up a permanent "guest" columnist. He continued to write the Editor's Column until his 97 years of age took its toll (in 2010). So that is how the CTNL came to be. Julie still lets me write a monthly column. When I get flakier with age I'm sure she'll come up with Plan B. I'm ever grateful Fred gave birth to this publication over 32 years ago." That column was written by Ruth ten years ago, and I'm happy to say that the Clinton Township Newsletter is still going strong, thanks to our advertisers, the Township, the School District and, most importantly, thanks to YOU, our readers. I only wish Fred and Ruth were here to see it. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful month! –Julie Flynn DAYS TO KEEP IN MIND Saturday June 1 National Say Something Nice(!) Day Sunday June 2 National Cancer Survivor's Day Wednesday June 5 World Environment Day June 6, 1944: "D-Day" – World War II, the Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy to fight the German troops June 12, 1967: "Loving Day" – the breakthrough case of Loving V. Virginia, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively ended all anti- miscegenation laws Sunday June 16 Eid al-Adha June 17, 1775: The Battle of Bunker Hill, Revolutionary War Sunday Sunday June 16 Father's Day! June 19, 1865: "Juneteenth", or "Freedom Day", the Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in Confederate states Friday June 21 Summer Solstice June 25, 1876: Battle of the Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand) June 25, 1950: The Korean War began "A father is someone you look up to no maer how tall you grow." ~ Unknown

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