Clinton Township Newsletter

March 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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1 9 m a r c h 2 0 2 4 Patrick McGaheran School Global School Play Day was a huge hit at PMG in early February a s s t u d e n t s w e r e i n v i t e d t o b r i n g in a favorite non- electronic activity to share with others. W i z F i t : S t u d e n t s a l s o p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e P T A - sponsored WizFit Challenge t o i n c r e a s e a w a r e n e s s o f the importance of physical activity. You Gotta Have Art! Students love admiring the posted artwork of the first grade artists, who used their knowledge of c o l o r s , s y m m e t r y a n d s h a d i n g t o create some v i b r a n t a r t ! E a c h m o n t h , f i r s t a n d s e c o n d g r a d e s t u d e n t s h a v e t h e opportunity to write a poem in response to the poetry prompt for the month. Our poetry corner in the first grade wing is a display for acrostic poems t h a t s t u d e n t s p u b l i s h e d during an enrichment period. In March we look forward to celebrating READING with our Read Across America celebrations, including a special spirit day each day for a week! Round Valley School Students at RVS recently participated in the Global School Play Day! Forts were built, puzzles, board games, dolls, crafts and favorites like Heads-Up, 7-Up were enjoyed! W e ' r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o s p r i n g activities, starting wit h Read Across America Week, o u r 4 t h Grade field t r i p t o L i b e r t y S c i e n c e C e n t e r and our PTA assembly, Talewise Science Adventure! Clinton Township Middle School "We got no troubles, Life is the bubbles, Under the sea!" The CTMS Drama Hawks are gearing up for their spring musical, The LIttle M e r m a i d , J r . ! T h e Drama Hawks, under the direction of directors Michelle Rogers and Caitlin Sim, have been rehearsing since December, and are looking forward to performing for their school and town communities on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 pm, Friday March 22 at 7:00 pm, and Saturday March 23 at 2:00 pm in the CTMS auditorium. Information about ticket sales will be released at the end of February! We can't wait to see you all Under the Sea! Spelling Bee: C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to our spelling bee C h a m p i o n , 8 t h g r a d e r A a d i t y a Aiyer! He will be representing CTMS at the regional spelling b e e i n M a r c h . C h e e r i n g him on will be our second place runner-up, 6th grader Gwyneth Ireland. C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S, Spellers! The CTMS Robotics Team competed in their first ever robotics competition in Manalapan, NJ. Students met after school once a week to work collaboratively and build their robot. The team's robot, "Arby," worked hard as team members controlled the robot and maneuvered it to knock down red blocks and collect purple and green blocks to earn points. The purple and green blocks needed to be deposited in one of the towers placed in each corner of the field to earn points. Overall, the CTMS team finished 12th out of 16 teams. CTMS is grateful to Mr. Alex Kaplan who helped prepare the team for success, and to Mr. Pearly, who was able to step in and help guide the students in Mr. Kaplan's absence.

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