Clinton Township Newsletter

January 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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2 5 j a n u a r y 2 0 2 4 new you! e M p o W e r i n G W o M e n a n d s t r e n G t h e n i n G c o M M u n i t i e s : t h e W o M a n ' s c l u B o F t e W k s B u r y t o W n s h i p Every month in Oldwick, a group of remarkable women from Tewksbury and surrounding areas have come together to form a powerful force for positive change. The WCTT, established in 1975, has been a beacon of empowerment, community service, and friendship ever since. The WCTT has been at the forefront of community service initiatives. From organizing food drives for local pantries to supporting educational scholarships for deserving students, the club consistently strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Their selfless dedication to serving the community has earned them immense respect and admiration. Beyond their philanthropic endeavors, the WCTT fosters a strong sense of friendship and camaraderie among its members. Monthly general meetings, social gatherings and various recreational activities provide opportunities for women to connect, support, and inspire one another. The club serves as a support network, ensuring that no member feels alone in their journey. The WCTT meets as a member-wide group on the first Tuesday of the month December through June and then September through December. The exception is our September meeting which is the second Tuesday of the month, and is our Welcome Back Tea. There are no monthly membership meetings in July and August. Our meetings are held at the Oldwick Manor, behind the Oldwick Fire House in Oldwick, NJ. Meetings start at 9:00 am, for fellowship and fun, with our business meeting beginning at 9:30. Non-members are welcomed to attend a meeting. We often have a guest speaker and always have refreshments. Please stop by! WCTT is a not for profit service-oriented volunteer organization committed to supporting local organizations.Find out more at: W o M e n ' s F o r u M : s h a r i n G W i s d o M Dear Ladies, Happy New Year! In the spirit of new beginnings and as we've done for many years now, WF kicks off January with recognition and resolution. First and foremost, to recognize with gratitude that we are the luckiest people in the world. We live in a wonderful country and in peaceful and beautiful surroundings. Joyfully added to that is Bedminster's Dillon Library which has become a truly "happy place" for many of us! When one year gives way to another it is customary to resolve to make changes that will lead to improvements for ourselves and maybe even for others. Our program on volunteerism this past November brought to light many of the opportunities available to enrich the quality of our lives through the giving of our time in service. Many thanks again to those who participated in our panel and who, by their stories, made for a remarkable event. (In my opinion, WF's finest hour.) For our first event of 2024, and to offer a resolution option, we will hear about a theory that may enable us to enhance our well being by rethinking our everyday existence. Dr. Ellen Langer, Harvard professor of psychology for over 40 years, posits that we can "Think Ourselves Young"! Dr. Langer has researched and developed a technique that we will hear about in a very compelling and inspiring interview that will be screened at our NEW YEAR LUNCHEON, Thursday January 4 at noon. "More and more learning" is a resolution that I hear from many of our WF members. I am right there with them - can't get enough! For our second January event weill continue on our learning journey into the world of fine art. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) has been a figure in the culture of our lives since, it seems, forever. Considered by some to be the greatest painter of the 20th century and by others simply inscrutable; at our second luncheon event, we will hear about the master from a different and interesting perspective - a woman who knew him very well. The artist Francoise Gilot, (1921-2023), a ten year companion of Picasso and mother to Paloma and Claude wrote a memoir titled LIFE WITH PICASSO. As part of her promotional tour she was interviewed by Charlie Rose. This fascinating conversation will be screened and discussed as our program for the PICASSO LUNCHEON, Thursday January 18 at noon. To receive the WF monthly newsletter and for information to register for our events, please contact us at: Wishing you all a strong and healthy start to 2024! Best always, Evelyn Breheney Glynn

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