Clinton Township Newsletter

January 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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1 5 j a n u a r y 2 0 2 4 h e a l t h c a r e d i r e c t i v e s Planning for the future is never easy. Making plans relating to one's death or future health care is especially difficult, and people tend to put these types of decisions off until they are already facing a crisis. Families often seek legal counsel when a loved one has died or is experiencing a loss of his or her faculties. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late. Families are burdened with making decisions while grieving and may disagree about what their loved one truly wanted. I recommend that everyone 18 years or older have a Health Care Directive in place even when they are healthy. A Health Care Directive, sometimes referred to as a Living Will, is a document that puts you in control of decisions regarding your health care and ensures that your wishes are carried out if you are unable to make sound decisions. A Health Care Directive allows you to decide ahead of time exactly what medical interventions and/or life saving measures you want and do not want. This creates peace of mind for both you and your loved ones because you know that your wishes will be honored, and they don't have to make difficult decisions for you. Don't wait. Call for a free consultation. We can discuss your individual estate planning needs and bring peace of mind to you and your family. – Laurie J. Bice, Esq. (908) 782-5900. n Reach Over 15,000 L o cal Consumers Monthly n Change Your Message Monthly n Have Your Ad D esigned – Free! n Run a Small Article (ab out 150-200 words) – Free! n Have your ad linked to your website at: email us at: Want your message seen by over 15,000 readers? When you advertise in the Clinton Township Newsletter you can: Shop Smart. Shop Locally! c r e a t i n G o p p o r t u n i t i e s M e a n s e v e r y o n e ' s B a s i c n e e d s a r e M e t What is diaper insecurity? It is the inability to provide a sufficient supply of diapers to keep a baby clean, dry and healthy. According to data collected by United for ALICE (an acronym of Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), 317 children under the age of two in Hunterdon County are living in a household with this challenge. These families are faced with difficult choices as they navigate how to afford the basics of housing, food, childcare, health care, technology, and transportation. Based on the National Diaper Bank Study of Diaper Insecurity, Health and Economic Mobility in the U.S., receiving diapers allows families to work, attend school, reduce healthcare spending, and keep children healthier. We invite you to join us and double the impact as we work to end diaper insecurity in Hunterdon County. Through the generosity of a board member at United Way of Hunterdon County, we have been challenged to match their gift of $1000, the estimated cost of a one-year supply of diapers for one child. Together, we can double our impact in providing diapers for families in need within our community. You can make a difference today and donate now by going to: and clicking on "Donate", or mail a check to: United Way of Hunterdon County, 4 Walter E Foran Boulevard, Suite 401, Flemington, NJ 08822. United Way of Hunterdon County (UWHC) helps local families who are struggling to meet this basic health necessity through our program, Hunterdon Hygiene Connection, a collection and distribution partnership between UWHC and food pantries and agencies throughout the county. No matter the season, diaper need is year-round. Your gift is critical to our success in bridging the diaper insecurity gap in Hunterdon County. Thank you again for your investment in our community. j o i n s B e s a n d B e i M p r e s s e d – W i t h y o u r s e l F ! Do you know that many of the South Branch Emergency Services EMTs and Rescue Associates who provide emergency medical care, transport, and land and water rescue in Clinton Township and across northern Hunterdon County are highly trained and dedicated volunteers? We rely on our volunteers to serve this community, and we need more of them. We need YOU! Experience is not required – if you've got the heart, we'll show you the way! Many join SBES with no prior medical or first response experience. We provide our members with free, state-of-the-art training at our own facility, preparing them to help their neighbors in emergencies and even save lives. So what are you waiting for? Join us! You'll learn new skills, forge new friendships, and become part of a great team. Be impressed by what YOU can do! To learn more or sign up, go to: "Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you." ~ Ralph Marston o u r p l a c e . . . o u r h o M e . . . o u r t o W n From the moment you stroll across town... or approach our historic cast-iron bridge... when you first see our iconic Red Mill or the Hunterdon Art Museum and gain a glimpse of the beauty that is Clinton, NJ...with it's eclectic mix of speciality shops, restaurants and boutique service offerings.... at places where merchants come to know you by first name... it's hard not to notice how blessed we are. Of course the beauty, the charm... the hometown feel... it doesn't happen by chance, but instead with consistent and worthwhile effort! Whether you're a life long resident, or brand new to our treasured area... whether you live in town, or from a nearby township... this is our place... it is special... this is our home... this is OUR town! It wouldn't be the same without you! For more information, visit the Clinton Guild website:

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