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W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M
Christmas Has Arrived
at the
Hunterdon County's Hidden Gem!
51 County Road 635, Hampton, NJ
corner of Norton & Charlestown Roads
The North Hunterdon Thrift Shop offers new and gently used
clothing, home goods, linens, children's toys, books, vintage items
and more to people who want to stretch their budget or reduce
waste and pollution.
Christmas has arrived at the North Hunterdon Thrift Shop! The
kickoff of our Christmas Shoppe will begin Monday, November
13 in the church Sanctuary (upstairs), allowing for a much larger
space, pleasant shopping experience and tons of gorgeous holiday
items and décor. Downstairs will offer weekly specials such as $3
off boots and booties and 50% off dishes, to name a few.
Did you know we have a Donation Shed open 365 days a year,
7 days a week, 24/7 that is convenient and hassle free? We LOVE
your donations but please only drop off useable, in working
condition and clean items. Monday: 8:30am - 12pm | Wednesday:
8:30-12pm and 3pm – 6pm | Saturday: 8:30am -2pm. We hope to
see you there!