Clinton Township Newsletter

November 2023 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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1 9 n o v e m b e r 2 0 2 3 I N O U R S C H O O L S : Law Fair: CTMS participates in an annual mock trial competition sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Students elected to participate in four teams this year. After learning about courtroom law, students create an original mock trial case for the state wide contest. Winning cases go to New Brunswick to perform their case before a judge and jury. Here is last year's winning 6th grade team at the Law Center in May of 2023. Clinton Township Middle School Courtyard Scavenger Hunt – PMG's K-2 students were guided through a scavenger hunt in our updated PMG courtyard. Students shared what it looks like and sounds like to take care of this outdoor space. Our students had so much fun spotting turtles and searching for monarch caterpillars in our new monarch waystation which was just planted last spring. "Kindness Rocks" at RVS! Students and teachers at RVS recently created a rock garden. Each student painted a rock either with a colorful design or inspirational message. The rocks were placed together in a beautiful display to remind everyone that each individual is a respected part of our school community. The CTMS News Crew is growing every day! We currently have 83 hosts and 30 editors! The daily "news" is filmed by student hosts, and the editors work to edit after school. Patrick McGaheran School & Round Valley School The students in Ms. DiGioia's art classes have been busy shaping their talents with some seasonal still artwork! EVERY STUDENT INSPIRED, EVERY TEAM MEMBER SUPPORTED, AND EVERY FAMILY ENGAGED.

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