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Family Owned and Operated Over 70 Years
U.S. Highway 22 E. Whitehouse NJ 08888
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Got questions for our local Clinton Township Police Department?
Ask Officer Raff by emailing: ctnl@comcast.net or: rvastola@ctpd.
org and add the words "Ask Officer Raff" in the subject line.
Ask Officer Raff:
Dear Officer Raff, As an animal lover, one of my biggest
fears while driving is having an animal unexpectedly come
into my path. What should one do if they hit an animal or
come across one that has been hit by a car, whether it be
wild or domesticated?
Thank you, Need to Know in Lebanon
Dear Need to Know,
In New Jersey, any time the operator of a motor vehicle strikes an
animal, be it wildlife or a domesticated animal, they should stop in
a safe location and notify the police. Officers will respond and complete
a motor vehicle crash report and attend to the animal. In the case of wildlife,
officers can humanely destroy injured wildlife in order to minimize suffering.
Domestic animals are turned over to animal control or taken directly to a local
vet, depending on their condition. If you come across an animal that has been hit
by a car, you can notify the police of its location and officers will respond to check
on its condition. We urge drivers to be mindful of their surroundings
and their safety when stopping their vehicle on the side of the road,
for any reason. Regards, Officer Raff
n Officer Raffaella Vastola grew up locally in Kingwood Township, and has been
in law enforcement for over 18 years, serving almost seven years with CTPD. She
and her husband currently live in Raritan Township with their five children, two
of whom serve in the military (Marine Corps and the Navy). Officer Raff thinks
Clinton Township is a wonderful place to work, live and raise a family, and she is
very proud to serve and protect our community with a dedicated group of men and
women who help to keep it that way for everyone. n
The Clinton Township Police, along with Annandale
Hose Company, Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge 182
and other community organizations, will be holding our
Annual Halloween Bash in Annandale Village. Please
join us for free fun, music, food, drinks and of
course, to show off those costumes with some
trick-or-treating! Exact time and location
to be announced, please follow
us on FaceBook and Instagram
for more details, as they
become available.
We look forward
to another
fun year!
Locally Owned and Operated
by Phil & Diane Koury
185 Center St., Clinton