J u n e 2 0 1 8
– Julie Fl�nn
We at CTNL have an interesting situation on our hands. It seems
that while our readership continues to grow, interest in larger local
publications has waned. Thus, CTNL is being asked to get in the middle
of controversial arguments that used to take place in those publications.
That's not us.
I feel the need to reiterate the purpose and mission of this publication.
CTNL is trying to get people to come together as a community, regardless
of differences of opinions and frustrations with local or national politics
and/or our politicians. While we respect and appreciate everyone's
right to free speech, we are saddened by the fact that our country is
so polarized right now — we don't want to see our Township become
the same.
The Clinton Township Newsletter is community in publication form.
We try to stay upbeat and positive overall in every issue. We are not
investigative reporters. We provide a forum for the Clinton Township
School District and Clinton Township Mayor and various municipal
departments -- but we do not fact-check the content of the information
we run for them or issue our opinions on their content – we count on you,
our readers, to decipher the information for yourselves. We encourage
you to attend all Board of Education meetings and Township Council
meetings to discuss your issues and concerns.
What I will not allow this publication to do (and Fred wouldn't before
me) is to mud-sling, to discuss national politics in a negative fashion
(goodness gracious, that's a conversation that would never end), to
have any local political spitfest, or to take sides on any given debate.
Trust me on this, taking the high road isn't easy. We at CTNL have a
lot of opinions and we're happy to discuss anything verbally when we
run into you locally. But if we allow this publication to take sides or to
go negative – you, our readers, will be quickly turned off – and you will
say no thank you. So with that, we will try to remain the publication
that you know and have loved for over 35(!) years. We appreciate your
loyalty, and we hope you will continue to read us! Enjoy your June
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Vicki Tuschak
Sales Associate