Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue
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3 M a r c h 2 0 1 8 "Hello, I live in Suchandsuch Town on XYZ Street, and they are lining those big orange cones all along the middle of my street today. Can you tell me why?" I received this phone call yesterday – and it's not at all unlike others I've gotten in the past. "Can you please tell me when the snow on my street will be plowed?" "...when leaf pickup will happen on my street?" "...where to send the checks for the art class you listed in last month's issue?" I must admit, I was sorely tempted to answer that last one with our Newsletter address, but that would be The Wrong Thing To Do. I try to help our readers as much as I can, but I always make sure to have the phone numbers for CT Municipal, the CTPD, and also the CTDPW on the ready, to give at a moment's notice. Some readers think we might have the inside scoop for the goings-on with our Town Council and Mayor but, alas, we don't. With our swift publication schedule, we only get their information a week or two before you read it here. Please note that we at the Newsletter cannot tell the Mayor and Town Council what to do. Actually, we can and will, but they certainly don't have to listen (but we appreciate it when they do!) While we're happy to throw our two-cents in here and there, this publication isn't about us – it's about you, our readers. It's about our community and all of the many wonderful people, places, causes and events within it. We are happy to serve you and to represent you each and every month. And we love hearing from you! To that end, I'm keeping my column short this month so as to allow room for a letter with great ideas from one of our readers. I hope it's the first of many. I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's Parade this month – don't miss it! (Details are on pages 2 and 29 of this issue.) As the FSSP like to say, "A good time will be had by all!" I hope you enjoy this green-filled issue (because we really need a little Spring, right this very minute!) Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day! "Hi Julie, Just read your article regarding "Best Small Towns in America..." I thought your ideas for change based on winning the lottery were great, except for one thing. In paragraph two, you state: "Allow extra parking for the TransBridge bus service into NYC in the front of that A&P lot and/ or in the lot across the street from the middle school on Grayrock Road. Include shuttle service, food carts with breakfast foods, coffee and also pre-made dinner meals. Add a wine or liquor truck and now you have a party! Those NYC commuters - God bless 'em - deserve a bright spot in their mornings and evenings." I have no problem with the extra parking for TransBridge commuters in front of the A&P lot. But setting up a commuter lot near school property? First, there is a quiet community behind the tree line that your shuttle service, wine/liquor trucks, food carts, related traffic, etc. would greatly affect. The school has no recreational space to expand on, and is lacking in that area to begin with. Why would you want more traffic and congestion near a middle school? How about a nice park with open space and playgrounds for the neighborhood. That would be well worth your lottery winnings. Thank you! – Robert Goral Dear Robert, Thank you so much for writing. I hear you -- a nice park with playgrounds, open space, fields for the middle school to use (!) and maybe a dog park would be great in that spot. A walking trail through it would be awesome too. It doesn't solve the TransBridge situation, but that's a great idea. Honestly I'm trying to foster a running, respectful dialogue of ways to improve both Clinton Township and the Town of Clinton and hoping that our readers will respond. I do realize that everything costs money and, since I've never bought a lottery ticket, my chances of winning are rather slim. But perhaps our municipalities will figure out a way to get some of these ideas funded? Let's (all) keep this conversation going. – Julie Flynn Jewelry | Gifts | Womens & Infants Clothing Cottage Furnishings & Accessories Personal Care Products | Vintage Treasures Baby Accessories & Gifts Carol Beder's – Julie Fl�nn You're not alone when you list with me. I'm with you 24/7. And I live in Clinton Township! • office: 908.735.8080 • cell: 908.334.2164 This Is Our Clinton Township! Vicki Tuschak S a le s As s o c i ate THINK SPRING Call Me!