Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue
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2 0 d e c e m b e r 2 0 2 4 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M Welcome to with Rachel Sprague * C linton ree Questions * Do you hear jingle bells? Instead of a reindeer harness, they might be adorning these horses! Clinton Three Q spoke to Marketing and Communications Manager, Louisa Bartok, and Executive Director, Trish Hegeman, who spread cheer on many days of the year at Mane Stream in Oldwick, New Jersey. C 3 Q : W h a t i s t h e p u r p o s e o r mission of Mane Stream, and can you talk about your organization? MS: Mane Stream is a non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with different challenges through a range of p r o g r a m s o f e q u i n e - a s s i s t e d activities. Basically, we work with children and adults with special needs, using our horses in different ways. One of our core programs is adaptive riding, which is teaching someone how to drive a horse, using teaching m e t h o d s t h a t a r e a d a p t e d t o e a c h person's needs. We have a therapy service program, which uses the horse's movement as a therapy tool, and other programs such as an inclusive summer camp for special needs children, a program called Horses for Healing for individuals living with Parkinson's or cancer, and other programs such as day trips for special needs classrooms. We were founded in 1972 by Octavia Brown, and we're the second-oldest center in the country who does what we do; we've been around for 52 years, serving over 600 people every year. We have roughly 250 volunteers throughout the year, and between 40-60 volunteers per week, who are responsible for getting the horses ready and making sure participants are safe through their session, and sometimes helping lead the horse. Additionally, we have a staff of 22 people, six of whom are full time. Our team of volunteers range from ages 14-70. A lot of volunteers come to us with previous horse experience, but some do not have horse experience, and we have extensive training in place and we're able to train them in grooming and taking care of horses, and doing sidewalking with clients to help keep them safe. We have twelve horses in our current herd. We mostly take horses who are retired from their previous career as showhorses, jumpers, or personal animals. When they can't jump as high or perform as well, people call us and ask if we are interested in them. Generally, our horses are in their late teens through their twenties, and they stay with us around ten years before being retired to a good home. C3Q: How do you get in the holiday spirit? MS: This year, we have o u r u p c o m i n g ' J i n g l e and Mingle,' which is our Holiday Open House, on T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 7 , from 4:30-6:30. It's a chance for participants and volunteers to come and visit the horses! Visitors can take pictures with their favorite Mane Stream horse and give them a sweet treat. We also recently had our charity Tack Sale, where proceeds from the sale support Mane Stream, as well as our 'Wild at Heart' Gala in November. C3Q: How can people help this a m a z i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n o r b e involved? MS: I think one of the things that we always want people to know about us is that we are a really good fit for a lot of people. You don't need a serious disability to come here and be able to participate. You need a diagnosis of *some* type, and to not be able to be successful in a traditional riding environment. We are a good fit for people who might have mental health challenges, and have psychologists on staff, along with mental health services as well. We always need volunteers; we are especially looking for volunteers with daytime availability and flexibility, who are interested in what we do, and are willing to learn. C3Q: Thank you so much, Louisa and Trish; I really e n j o y e d l e a r n i n g m o r e a b o u t M a n e Stream, as well as watching the video link from this QR code about your client's journey and about what you do, it was so heart-warming! Have a wonderful holiday season! You can learn more about Mane Stream, volunteer, or donate at: n Local residents Rachel Sprague and her husband Russell are raising their two young children in Annandale. She thinks that Clinton Township is a delightful place to live.