Clinton Township Newsletter

October 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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9 o c t o b e r 2 0 2 4 Hi Julie, Hope you are well and enjoyed a pretty "civilized" –weatherwise–end of summer. Your Editor's Column about the health status of Hunterdon County was excellent!!! I am so proud of our wonderful Hunterdon for many reasons, and now for one more very very important one. As you know, I recently presented a program at Women's Forum dedicated to Ralph Lauren. During the discussion one of the ladies referred to our corner of the state as "Laurenland" in other words, as RL has created fantasy worlds of beauty in which his creations are presented, we actually, for the most part, live in one such beautiful place. That must surely contribute to the pursuit of good health. All kinds of good health. Bravo(!) to Hunterdon County for inspiring us to stay fit and healthy. As to your September 2024 cover, I admit I am stumped. All I can say is that every piece of art doesn't need an explanation does it? I mean did anyone expect Jackson Pollock to tell stories with his paintings? Attached please find October's Women's Forum Newsletter. Again, I am so grateful and proud for all the coverage you have given us. Looking forward to Fall as it always presents itself so magnificently here, in 'Laurenland!' – Evelyn Breheney Glynn, Founder/Director Women's Forum Dear Evelyn, For the September 2024 cover, I actually designed two very Fall-looking covers first, but they just weren't speaking to me – maybe because it was early August and very hot when I designed them! So I came up with this cover above. I figured the circles and the one square peg represent students and their many different personalities and presence. Having been an art-kid, I can relate to the idea of the "square peg being fit into a round hole" but, then again, maybe everyone feels that way? I'm also inspired by the artist Yayoi Kusama – another square peg! As always, thanks you for your support and the dialogue. And, I agree – I love our "Laurenland" Hunterdon County! – Julie "The problem with pounding a square peg into a round hole is not that the hammering is hard work, it's that you're destroying the peg." – Anonymous letters to the editor t H e D e l a W a r e V a l l e y B e a D s o c i e t y H o l i D a y J e W e l r y s a l e i s n o V e m B e r 9 ! Save the Date for the DVBS Holiday Jewelry Sale on Saturday, November 9 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Clinton Community Center, 63 Halstead Street in Clinton! (Free parking and admission.) If you're searching for unique, hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind jewelry to give as a gift for the winter holidays, or a special birthday, or just to keep for yourself(!), this is the event you won't want to miss. Make your selections from the beautiful collections of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other jewelry adornments created by seven jewelry designers, members of the Delaware Valley Bead Society. Friend the DVBS at: Visit the DVBS website at: H u n t e r D o n c o u n t y F i n a n c e s r e c e i V e c l e a n a u D i t F o r n i n t H y e a r i n a r o W Strong Financial Controls Helped Board Cut The County Tax Rate in 2024 Hunterdon County's financial control system was once again certified clean by the independent auditor for the ninth straight year, ensuring that the records of taxpayer dollars are accurately maintained and monitored. Commissioner Board Director Jeff Kuhl said, "The independent audit provides taxpayers with confidence that county funds are closely overseen and managed. The fact that the County's financial controls have been certified without fault for nine straight years is an exceptional record of fiscal competence." Commissioner John E. Lanza, a member of the Board's Budget Committee, noted, "Careful control over where the taxpayers' dollars are spent is a vital component of the strategy that has helped this Board reduce the County tax rate to the 2015 level, after freezing the tax rate for six years, and continuing to have no county debt since 2014." A copy of the audit is available here: DocumentCenter/View/15276/2023-AUDIT-REPORT.

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