Clinton Township Newsletter

September 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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7 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 4 Hi Julie, I wanted to share these amazing photos from when the entire Annandale Hose Co. stopped by my kids' lemonade stand this summer and purchased some refreshments after finishing a response call near John Drive. Thanks! – Janine and TJ Quimby Hi Janine, That's awesome, thank you for sending these pics – and a big Thank Goodness for the Annandale Hose Company! This reminds me of a summer, many years ago, when my kids and their friends opened a lemonade stand for their friend who was going through cancer treatments, at age ten. They wanted to help her out, so they made signs that said "Lemonade for Leukemia!!" and "Cookies for Cancer!!" The cars were lined up down the block to buy their lemonade and cookies, including lots of UPS trucks, the drivers of which just gave them all of their change. I noticed that several guys in brand-spanking-new Harley Davidsons would stop at the stand and, after about a dozen or so had stopped at our house, I commented to one of them about it. The guy said, "The guys at the Harley Davidson dealership on 22 found out about your kids' lemonade stand and told us, and everyone else doing test drives, that we had to come here and buy lemonade and cookies from you guys." Long story short, in my opinion, we live in the best place on earth! Thanks, Julie Hi Mrs. Flynn, I came downstairs with Magdalene, started feeding her, and just as I was doing so, I glanced down at my copy of your Newsletter only to realize that this little girl's fun outfit matched with your design perfectly! I had to capture it to share it with you. You can tell by the pictures that she was absolutely lovin' it! Your youngest fan. Thanks for sending it and please enjoy these photos! – Peace, Megan Vantslot Callahan Wouldn't it be cool if … … You could find an outfit that matched perfectly with the Clinton Township Newsletter?! Hi Megan, Oh, Magdalene is adorable, and she matches the August cover beautifully!! I love to see photos of our (future) readers – Thank you for sharing!! – Take care, Julie Flynn Hi Julie: Another stunning June 2024 cover that sets the bar for what I can only describe as a genre of mind expanding art... kudos to you. Additionally, your scattered quotes on 'fatherhood' were so welcomed and needed, as was the courage shown to include the quote by Chelsea Clinton on what her noble father, a cherished statesman, a champion for all women, did for her. To include her entry among a stellar cast of notables speaks volumes as to your insightful perspective on the unique times we have lived in, a place where true giants of our culture reside. Thank you and may God bless. Stay well and be safe. Sincerely, A Forever Fan Dear Forever Fan, Thank you so much for your sweet letter! I love designing these covers and I try to deliver something different and interesting each month. I'm so grateful for readers like you who enjoy and appreciate them! And yes, regarding the quotes, I always try to present the wise words, or sometimes humorous words, of a diverse and interesting group of people throughout history from many different cultures, groups and backgrounds. That was a great quote and I was happy to run it! Thank you again for your support – and keep reading the Clinton Township Newsletter! – Julie Dear Julie, I half expected a picture of Dorothy Lamour in one of her "Trip" looks from the 40's to be on the next page. What a great August cover! So campy, so almost "thrift shop arty". Have you noticed how thrifting is becoming a bit of a crazy fad? I've been doing it since college with some amazing o n e s i n N Y C ! N o w t h e n e w generations are all over it. A little annoying, but I guess one should be gracious and share. What was your inspiration for that fun cover? – Evelyn Thank you so much Evelyn! I'm always trying to do something different, and for this cover I was thinking about 1920's and 1930's travel posters. Pink and green is my favorite color combination, and I changed the text design on the front just to keep it interesting! Thank you for your design appreciation and support! – Take care, Julie Magdalene thinks so!! letters to the editor Here is the first thing that comes to mind right now, Julie – "Wouldn't it be cool if the schools could start AFTER Labor Day, the way it should be." Thanks for the opportunity to get that out there. Hope all is well with you and the family! – Nancy Rochelle Dear Nancy – I agree –and that's the way it was for our kids growing up, right? The first day of school usually fell on the first Thursday after Labor Day, as I recall, and that just felt "right". I miss those days! Glad our kids could share them together! Take care, Julie

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