Clinton Township Newsletter

September 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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4 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 4 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M T h e h u n T e r d o n h e a l T h a u x i l i a r y i n v i T e s y o u T o T h e i r F a l l L u n c h & L e a r n ! The Hunterdon Health Auxiliary invites you to their Fall Lunch & Learn at Beaver Brook Country Club in Annandale on Monday, October 7, from 12:00 noon-2:00 pm. With respect to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Jennifer Montes from Hunterdon Breast Surgery Center will be leading our discussion on breast health. Join us for a delightful afternoon of seasonal fare and enlightening discussion! The registration fee will be $25. Pre-registration is required by September 20 to secure your spot. Please sign up here: https://e. At its Big Reveal event on Wednes- day, July 24, the Hunterdon Chap- ter of Impact100 announced that 1 1 4 F o u n d i n g Members have joined the organi- zation to date! T h e e v e n t t o o k place at the Stangl Factory in Flem- ington and was at- tended by close to one hundred. Im- pact100 Hunterdon is grateful for the continued generosity of Shoprite of Hunterdon County and the Colalillo family, who sponsored the Big Reveal. Also recognized at the event were Binnacle House and Hunterdon Medical Center for their support during this inaugural year as Founding and Gold sponsors respectively. J e r r i M a y - G r i m e s , P r e s i d e n t o f I m p a c t 1 0 0 Hunterdon, shared how the journey began in Spring 2023 with seven women from di- verse backgrounds and areas of the county in the Binnacle House conference room. According to May-Grimes, "We were committed to bringing this powerful initiative to our community. In September of last year, we launched our first event which was a success, and 13 women joined. Today, as I stand here, we are at 114 – and growing. I have been inspired by the many women I have met this past year and realized we share one common thread; we all care deeply about our community." Also announced at the event, Impact100 Hunterdon will be making its inaugural grant of $100,000 this Fall. Founding mem- bers, sponsors, non-profit leaders, and community stakeholders came together to toast the first year of giving and the impact that will be made in our Hunterdon community. The Impact100 model is simple: at least 100 women come together to give at least $1,000 each so that a $100,000 transformational grant can be made to a local charity. Im- pact100 is a place for women who care deeply, who dream wildly, and who believe that, together, they are an unstoppable force for good. Women who are interested in joining as Founding Members have until August 15 to join with their $1,000 gift. The 2024 grant cycle launched with the application release on July 1. Grants are available to eligible nonprofits across five broad focus areas: Arts & Culture; Family; Education; Health & Wellness; and Environment, Preservation, and Recreation. Nonprofits interested in applying are encouraged to review the applica- tion and supporting information found at https:// Finalists will be announced in the Fall. Every member will cast their vote to determine the winner of the $100,000. BKC Accounting will over- see and validate the voting process, and the winner will be announced at the chapter's Annual Meeting and celebration on Thursday, November 14. Impact100 is dedicated to offering women a framework to help take their philanthrop- ic work to the next level, making a transfor- mational difference in their communities. In closing, May-Grimes offered, "Tonight's event is the beginning of great things for the Hunterdon sisterhood of changemakers. I look forward to us cocreating our chapter's story and the impact we will have on our community." More than just a fund- raising effort, Impact100 H u n t e r d o n p r o v i d e s events, networking, and educational opportuni- ties to gather women together and become a collective force for good. The group aims to spread awareness about the needs in Hunterdon County, the work that Hunterdon non- profits are doing, and how everyone can make a difference. More information is available at the Impact100 Hunterdon website: https:// i m p a c T 1 0 0 h u n T e r d o n ' s " B i g r e v e a l " Impact100 Hunterdon Announces 114 Founding Members and $100,000 Inaugural Grant Revealing the recruitment of 114 Founding Members and $114,000 to support impact and grants in Hunterdon County. Members of Impact100 Hunterdon's leadership team who are working to make a difference in our community. Jerri May-Grimes, President, inspires members, sponsors and guests with her vision for Impact100 Hunterdon and its potential to empower women to be changemakers. e s T a T e s a l e Contents of Parishioner's Home To Benefit: R.V.U. Methodist Church 30 Main St Lebanon NJ Wednesday, September 11, 3:00 pm-8:00 pm Thursday-Saturday September 12-14, 8:00 am-1:00 pm Questions call: 908.797.0066 "That old September feeling, le over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air... Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year's mistakes had been wiped clean by summer." ~ Wallace Stegner

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