Clinton Township Newsletter

June 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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1 6 j u n e 2 0 2 4 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M Summer! June 4 - Professional Development Day Schools Closed for students June 12 - Marking Period-4 ends June 14, 17, 18 - Early Dismissal Days June 18 - Graduation; last day of school IMPORTANT DATES TO KEEP IN MIND THIS MONTH: A MESSAGE FROM DR. STAGER, CTSD SUPERINTENDENT: C L I N T O N T O W N S H I P S C H O O L N E W S I N O U R S C H O O L S : Dear Clinton Township Community Members, We have almost completed another successful school year. Our last day of school is June 18th. This time of year we can't help but reflect on the success of the 2023- 2024 school year. We completed year one of our strategic plan, worked on New Jersey's Sustainable Schools certification, and engaged in learning opportunities like concerts, science fairs, assemblies, field trips, preschool expansion, mock trials, entrepreneurship, art night, and other numerous opportunities for student growth. We are proud of all that was accomplished. This time of year we also wish our retirees the best on the next stage of their lives and we thank them for their service to CTSD. We will take these next few months to make needed repairs on our four buildings and ready ourselves to welcome students back on August 28th for the 2024-2025 school year. Great schools are the anchor of a great community and we look forward to continuing to grow next year and in years to come! – Sincerely, Dr. Melissa Stager, Ed.D, Superintendent, CTSD EVERY STUDENT INSPIRED, EVERY TEAM MEMBER SUPPORTED, AND EVERY FAMILY ENGAGED. Patrick McGaheran School PMG students have been actively engaged in sustainability initiatives this spring. On April 19th, PMG conducted its inaugural food waste audit in the school cafeteria, with the PMG Green Team spearheading the project. The team was comprised of student volunteers ranging from kindergarten through second grade. The purpose of the food waste audit was to determine the amount of food discarded daily in the cafeteria, categorized into fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, juice, hot lunch entrées, and snacks, etc. Clearly labeled bins were provided for each food category, and the Green Team volunteers assisted their peers in properly sorting and disposing of the waste from their trays into the collection bins. Upon completion of the sorting process during all three grade level lunch periods, the contents of each bin were weighed, and the data was recorded prior to disposal of the waste. The cafeteria atmosphere was lively and engaging, with students actively participating and asking questions throughout the audit process. Thank you to our Green Team for their commendable efforts. The teachers involved in the Sustainable New Jersey program, Mrs. Cywnar, Mrs. Stanley, and Ms. Chakraborty were there to provide support and guidance to the enthusiastic student volunteers. Spruce Run School It's a busy time of the year, especially at Spruce Run Preschool! Our classrooms celebrated our Moms by hosting a Muffins with Mom celebration in May and will host Donuts with Dads in June. Spruce Run is also excited to be celebrating our Preschool students who will be moving onto Kindergarten next year. The theme is, "Our Future's So Bright We Have to Wear Shades!" Of course the year would not be complete without Field Day! The last unit of study on Balls will fit right in with Field Day. The students will explore why balls roll and bounce. What makes them move, what they are made of and who uses them!

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