Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue
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1 4 j u n e 2 0 2 4 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M We Offer Specialty Services, Including: Our Care is Your Peace of Mind Specialty and Emergency Care Right in Your Backyard 23 Blossom Hill Road Lebanon, NJ 08833 Call us at (908) 236-4120 or visit us at • Emergency/Critical Care • Anesthesia • Acupuncture • Pain Management • Dermatology • Surgery • Cardiology • Oncology • Ophthalmology • Rehabilitation i N l o v e a N D S o N g i S F o S t e r i N g b r a i N t u m o r C o m m u N i t y a w a r e N e S S a N D S u P P o r t It seemed like fate when Laura Myers reached out to Deborah Rizzo about a volunteer project for her daughter, Jaime. Jaime, 16, is a junior in high school and a longtime Girl Scout. She used to take voice lessons with Deb. "I couldn't believe it when I saw the message on Facebook," Deb recalls. "Jaime has always been an absolute joy to teach and has always tried her very hardest. To reconnect with her after so many years was incredible. To have her help with In Love And Song is the icing on the cake." For her volunteer hours, Jaime has chosen to work with In Love And Song, a nonprofit focused on improving the quality of life for brain tumor and brain cancer patients. Her project is called The Quarter Mile and she hopes to collect a quarter mile's worth of quarters. For this, Jaime plans to enlist of the help of local businesses to host coin jars or cans at their register beginning in May. There are 1,320 feet in a quarter mile. Twelve quarters make up one foot. Jaime will need 15,840 quarters for this endeavor, the magnitude of which is not lost on the In Love And Song founder. "It seems like a simple concept," says Deb, "until you see the total amount of quarters needed. This is a very ambitious project and I'm proud to have Jaime helm the effort." Reflecting on In Love And Song's latest endeavor, Deb noted, "What's ironic is that one of our next ventures is to sponsor a service dog for someone undergoing treatment. They cost $15-16,000. If Jaime accomplishes her goal of a quarter mile of quarters, she'll have raised $3,960-nearly a quarter of the funds needed." With the help of Jaime's mother, Laura, The Quarter Mile Project has morphed into an event. "It started as a simple concept; collect quarters in the cans. We quickly realized the sheer amount of coins needed was overwhelming. An event to celebrate Jaime's accomplishments in collecting all of the quarters was needed. We're in talks with a local farm and some food trucks to set up an evening this summer where we can see if we can exceed our original goal," Deb says. The details and the date of the event are still pending. To learn more about Jaime and The Quarter Mile Project, to have your business host a can, to find out more about the event, or to make a donation towards The Quarter Mile, please visit their website at:, and follow them on social media: @inloveandsongorg for the latest news and event information. In Love And Song has a vision of building a community stronger than any brain tumor. With longterm plans of sponsoring a service dog to improve the quality of life for a brain tumor patient, Melissa and Deb know they have their work cut out for them. They started with a donation drive to collect comfort items for a local brain tumor center. Other plans include a mini-golf tournament this summer and a virtual 5K later this year. "No man stands taller than when he stoops to help a child." - Abraham Lincoln D o N ' t m i S S t h i S a m e S b u r y F u r N a C e S i t e h i k e w i t h C t o P e N S P a C e ! Join us on June 9 at 9:00 am for a hike along the Beaver Brook Ravine. We will be hiking to see the historic site, Amesbury Furnace. Clinton Township Open Space member, Mike McGeough, will explain the significance of the furnace and provide a history lesson for all participants. The hike is approximately 3.5 miles total and the trail is rated moderate. There are some inclines, but they are manageable. Reach out to me with any questions at aswitlyk@ We hope to see you there! – Amy Switlyk, Clinton Township Council