Clinton Township Newsletter

March 2024 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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7 m a r c h 2 0 2 4 "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."~ Helen Keller letters to the editor "Dear Julie, I wish to clarify the information about the deer management program which ran in the February 2024 issue of CTNL. I was asked, along with Les Giese, about five years ago to create a deer management program for Clinton Township. We contacted other municipalities and the County on how they ran their program. We then created the Township's program. The main objective was to reduce the number of deer/ vehicle collisions in the Township. Les and I presented to the Council last year and the numbers show a downward trend in deer/vehicle collisions since the start of the program. Every year we re-evaluate the program and come to Council with possible changes and likely additional properties that can be added. We always look at the program with safety first. For example, some properties are archery only while others are archery and gun. Hunters apply for the privilege to hunt electronically usually in June. They are then required to attend an orientation in July. If they don't attend the orientation they will not be assigned a property. One thing that the Township has done for the program is they will pay for the processing of the deer if they are donated to Hunters Helping the Hungry (HHH) program. The HHH program was started by Les Giese, Joe Schultz and myself back in 1995. All venison that comes into the program ultimately gets distributed to food banks and food pantries for those in need. Last year the HHH received from hunters state wide nearly 1000 deer. All of this venison was given to needy families. Find out more at: program. Sincerely, Michael Aversa Thank you for that clarification, Michael! – Julie Hi Julie! Do you know why I don't get the CTNL? My Mom gets it and she lives in Lebanon Borough. LMK when you can. – Amy Switlyk, Clinton Township Council Hi Amy! Yes, the mailing is screwy because it's based on mailing routes, and not on the Township's borders. Your mailing route is one where most of the residents are not Clinton Township residents – only a handful are – so for budgeting reasons I have to choose the routes that have a majority of CT residents. I also included part of the Town of Clinton in our mailing, since its downtown kind of feels like it belongs to Clinton Township, as well. Many years ago USPS used to just have the carriers deliver to the CT borders, and our monthly mailing was only about 5,000 pieces, which was more economical, then USPS insisted that I do the bulk mailing by mailing routes, not borders. Because of that I had a minor panic attack (not really) several years ago when I had to increase the printing and mailing an extra 2000+ pieces. However, most of my mailing routes now trickle into other towns, which has gained CTNL readers and fans from all over – plus advertisers – so it actually worked out really well! I try to make sure there are many extra printed copies available in various places around Clinton Township, downtown Clinton, and downtown Flemington. I do wish that we had one central post office in Clinton Township and every resident of Clinton Township had the words "Clinton Township" in their address. However, that might ruin the small-town character of the area and also possibly eliminate jobs – but it sure would make my life easier. Anyway, if this is the worst of my problems, my life can't be all that bad, right? I hope that you and your family are well and staying warm! Thanks, Julie Dear Julie, Thank you so much for your kindness shown by honoring my husband Ronald Lomerson (Father Christmas) in the January 2024 issue of CTNL. He will be greatly missed by many over the years to come. I appreciate the Clinton Township family for all of their thoughts and prayers. – Take Care and Be Safe ♥ Love & God Bless ✝ Mary Lomerson Dear Mary, You have my deepest condolences for the loss of such a wonderful man. We are all thinking of you during this terrible time and wishing you strength and comfort. May Ron rest in peace. Love, Julie Dear Julie, My daughter has moved to Cape Cod… and I happened to mention something that I read in the CT NEWSLETTER. I was wondering if the CT NEWSLETTER could be sent to her on Cape Cod and if there is a cost I would be willing to pay for that. P l e a s e l e t m e k n o w a n y i n f o r m a t i o n a n d a s I s a i d i f t h i s can be done I will pay for any additional cost. She is a former resident of Lebanon Boro and always enjoyed reading the CT NEWSLETTER! – Thank you so much, Carol P. Hi Carol, Thank you so much for asking about getting the CT Newsletter to your daughter. I love it when our readers wish to keep reading CTNL from far away – it's a great way to know what's happening back "home"! We can mail her the monthly printed copies for a subscription fee, or she can read them online for free at: On our website in the lower left-hand corner, you can sign up for our monthly email reminders of our online version – only one per month — we promise! Let me know which you choose, and keep reading us! Thanks, Julie Hi Julie, So I know that the couple in the middle of your beautiful homage to hearts and flowers [February 2024] sitting on the smiling crescent moon are all of us (I hope). My question is, who are those two not so happy campers off to the right? As always, a lovely cover, some little messages - does the middle heart say "Truly think" or "Truly thine"? Maybe it's truly think or you'll wind up like those two up there on the right... H a p p y Valentine's Day to our c o l o r f u l and highly a r t i s t i c chronicler o f t h e days and m o n t h s a n d y e a r s i n C l i n t o n Township! Thanks for the WF coverage. Getting some nice remarks around town. – Evelyn, WOMEN'S FORUM USA Hi Evelyn, Those lovely couples are great art illustrations and photographs from the late 1800's and early 1900's, when couples used to pose on a paper moon with a backdrop, well before social media. Everything old is new again! If you google "paper moon couple" you'll see that a lot of people really hammed it up, including the one in the upper right-hand corner of the February 2024 cover. I love these old photos – could've been my great- grandparents! I wish someone would set up this photo-op again – maybe in downtown Clinton? And that heart in the center says "Truly Thine" – but I like your version, "Truly Think" better, lol! As always, thank you for your support, and keep reading us! – Julie "Say, its only a paper moon, sailing over a cardboard sea, but it wouldn't be make-believe if you believed in me. Yes, it's only a canvas sky, hanging over a muslin tree, but it wouldn't be make-believe if you believed in me" – 'It's Only a Paper Moon' lyrics by songwriters Billy Rose, E. Y. Harburg, and Harold Arlen

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