Clinton Township Newsletter

November 2023 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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8 n o v e m b e r 2 0 2 3 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M Happy t h S h o S t S w. B a r r y t h o m S o n a t C o V E r E d d i S h S u p p E r n o V E m B E r 1 2 The Tewksbury Historical Society hosts W. Barry Thomson at its Covered Dish Supper and Meeting on Sunday, November 12. The event takes place at the Zion Lutheran Church Christian Education Building, 18 Miller Avenue in Oldwick, 08558, at 5:00 pm, and is open to the public, free of charge. However, a request is made to bring a covered dish to share. The lecture will follow Supper at 6:15. Those interested in attending the lecture itself are also welcome at no charge. Call 908.832.6734 to make a reservation: leave your name and phone number for information or directions. Thomson will present an illustrated lecture about the "The Dukes of Somerset". He will cover the history of the family of James Buchanan Duke (known as "J.B." or "Buck"), how he made and spent his fabulous wealth, and the amazing life and lifestyle of his only child and principal heir, Doris Duke. Among other things, the presentation will showcase the estates and other homes of both J.B. and Doris, including "Duke Farms" in Hillsborough, New Jersey; the Duke family's mansions in New York City; the "Rough Point" estate in Newport, Rhode Island; Doris's prized "Shangri La" property in Hawaii; and "Falcon Lair," her home in Los Angeles where she died. The talk will also discuss J.B. and Doris's many charitable and philanthropic activities, including the Newport Restoration Foundation. Born and raised in Peapack-Gladstone, Thomson received his undergraduate degree at Drew University and took architecture and urban planning courses at Harvard University. He was a David Rockefeller Fellow, a program sponsored by the New York City Partnership. He co-authored with the late Jack Turpin the two-volume work "New Jersey Country Houses: Somerset County". He writes extensively about history. The Tewksbury Historical Society is a New Jersey not-for-profit corporation organized for the purpose of furthering research into and the preservation and dissemination of the history of the Township of Tewksbury. Society information is found on its website: E m p o w E r i n g w o m E n a n d S t r E n g t h E n i n g C o m m u n i t i E S : t h E w o m a n ' S C l u B o f t E w K S B u r y t o w n S h i p Every month in Oldwick, a group of remarkable women from Tewksbury and surrounding areas have come together to form a powerful force for positive change. The WCTT, established in 1975, has been a beacon of empowerment, community service, and friendship ever since. The WCTT has been at the forefront of community service initiatives. From organizing food drives for local pantries to supporting educational scholarships for deserving students, the club consistently strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Their selfless dedication to serving the community has earned them immense respect and admiration. Beyond their philanthropic endeavors, the WCTT fosters a strong sense of friendship and camaraderie among its members. Monthly general meetings, social gatherings and various recreational activities provide opportunities for women to connect, support, and inspire one another. The club serves as a support network, ensuring that no member feels alone in their journey. The WCTT meets as a member-wide group on the first Tuesday of the month December through June and then September through December. The exception is our September meeting which is the second Tuesday of the month, and is our Welcome Back Tea. There are no monthly membership meetings in July and August. Our meetings are held at the Oldwick Manor, behind the Oldwick Fire House in Oldwick, NJ. Meetings start at 9:00 am, for fellowship and fun, with our business meeting beginning at 9:30. Non- members are welcomed to attend a meeting. We often have a guest speaker and always have refreshments. Please stop by! Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 7 for a General Meeting and President's Luncheon (Location TBD). Get Social! WCTT invites you to our Fall Wine and Cheese Social on Thursday, November 3 at 6:30 pm at Oldwick Manor for food, fun and more! Get to know our Club while getting a quick and easy makeup demo by Ashley Oppedisano Beauty, with Fall Makeup tips! WCTT is a not for profit service-oriented volunteer organization committed to supporting local organizations.Find out more at:

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