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Got questions for our local Clinton Township Police Department?
Ask Officer Raff by emailing: ctnl@comcast.net or: rvastola@ctpd.
org and add the words "Ask Officer Raff" in the subject line.
Ask Officer Raff:
Dear Officer Raff,
We are expecting our first child in a few months
and have begun to research car seats… now we
are even more confused than when we started!
There are so many options and styles, we don't
know where to begin… and how long do we need to
keep using a car seat? Help!
Sincerely, Soon-To-Be-Mom
Dear Mom,
First, congratulations on the new addition! Choosing a car seat for
your little-one can definitely be a daunting task but there are some
resources out there which can help you make the best choice for
you and your family. I would definitely recommend checking out
the Safe Kids Worldwide website (https://cert.safekids.org/get-car-
seat-checked) for some great resources which can help you pick
a car seat, as well as a listing of Certified Child Passenger Safety
(CPS) Technicians and events in our area. A CPS Tech can check
to make sure your car seats are installed correctly and teach you
how to use and install a car seat on your own. Several members
of the Clinton Township Police are certified CPS techs and will
be happy to help any Clinton Township residents with car seat
installation; please call the non-emergency number: 908.735.6000
to make an appointment. You can also visit: https://www.nj.gov/
lps/hts/childseats/index.html to familiarize yourself with the car
seat laws in New Jersey and make sure your child's car seat is in
compliance with this Motor Vehicle Law.
Sincerely, Officer Raff
This year, Thanksgiving Eve falls on November 22.
This day and all holiday season, we're thankful
for YOUR safe driving choices. Drive safely this
Thanksgiving holiday, and every day.
#BuzzedDriving is drunk driving.
Locally Owned and Operated by Phil & Diane Koury
185 Center St., Clinton 908.735.4499
"What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude."
~ Brené Brown