Clinton Township Newsletter

October 2023 issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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2 8 o c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M Happy Halloween! m E E T s b E s V o L u n T E E R s H A n E p i E R s o n Loving the Challenge of Providing EMS Care – and the Company of other EMTs The patient was slurring his words. When South Branch Emergency Services Volunteer Shane Pierson asked him to smile, only the right side of his mouth moved. When Shane asked him to move his arms and legs, the patient could only control the right ones. Shane realized the patient had likely suffered a stroke. "We assisted the patient into the ambulance, I put an oxygen mask on his face, and I called and gave my report to a hospital – we were taking him to the stroke center in Morristown," Shane remembers of that call early in 2023, not long after he earned his EMT certification. "This was the first time that I used what I have learned, on my own, to understand what was happening to the person who needed help." S h a n e , w h o i s 1 8 , m a d e t h a t d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d t h e n c o l l e c t e d important information for the hospital using a stroke assessment protocol - training he had received at the SBES Training Center. A doctor later confirmed his conclusion. A Glen Gardner resident who plans a career in construction, Shane realized his affinity for taking care of sick and injured people while learning first aid as a Boy Scout. That led him to join SBES as a cadet in January 2021. Cadets are SBES' youngest members. Cadets train alongside full EMTs, help keep ambulances stocked and cleaned, and, after passing training milestones, can assist EMTs on calls. Shane loves the challenge of being an EMT. "It's challenging, because it's always something different," he said. He also enjoys learning, serving, and spending time with other SBES volunteers. "They're good people," he said. He encourages anyone who is interested in joining SBES to give it a try. "It's a great way to help people, and it's also really fun." To learn more about SBES or sign up to volunteer, please visit: ' T e c H n e c k ' – A n E w p o s T u R E p R o b L E m A s s o C i A T E D w i T H o u R p E R s o n A L D E V i C E s By: Jim Brown - Bachelors in Physical Education and a concentration in Exercise Science, ACSM certified Personal Trainer You see it everywhere – people looking down at their personal devices or cell phones while sitting, walking, or waiting. People of all ages are seen in this familiar position, which causes undue fatigue and stress to the muscles of the neck and upper back, and is aptly called 'techneck' or 'text-neck'. Placing undue stress on these muscles can cause an array of problematic side effects such as chronic muscle tightness, neck pain, weakness, joint inflammation, and even pinched nerves. According to eMarketer estimates, Americans spent more than eight hours a day on their personal device in 2022 and we'll only see these numbers grow! So why is simply looking down at our cell phones causing so many problems? The answer is surprising! Most people don't think about the fact that most adult heads weigh between 10 - 12 pounds. Tilting the head forward by 30 to 40 degrees creates a force that equates to approximately 35 - 45 pounds of extra weight – a major strain on the muscles and joints of the neck. Repeat this activity multiple times a day, and for a prolonged period of time, and people experience physical problems. Luckily, there is a solution that can greatly alleviate the additional stress on our neck and back muscles and does not usually require outside medical help! The first step is to increase circulation and strength of the muscles that are being impacted. By adding a daily regimen of common neck exercises, you can greatly mitigate any negative impact of 'tech neck'. Here are just a few exercises that can help: 1. Chin Retraction: While sitting tall, take two fingers and push your chin back while looking straight ahead. It should feel like you're pushing your chin into the back of your neck. It's important not to look down or let your chin drop while doing this exercise. Complete this exercise slowly at least ten times. 2. Thoracic Extension: This exercise focuses on opening up the upper back and base of the neck. Start by sitting tall and interlocking your fingers behind your neck. Keep your head in a neutral position. Squeeze your knees together and lean forward, keeping your back straight as possible. Tilt your head upward so you are looking straight ahead. Tilt your head down and back to neutral position. Then slowly return to the upright position. Repeat this ten times. 3. Trap Stretch: The trap muscles span the back and sides of the neck and shoulders. It is common for these to become tight and sore when they become fatigued. This exercise is completed one side at a time. To stretch the right side, place your right hand on your waist, tilt your head to the left. Place your left hand on top of your head and gently pull to the left side until you feel a comfortable stretch. Don't overdo this one. Repeat this five times holding each repetition for five seconds. Simply switch hands and tilt to the other side to complete the exercise. 4. Resistance Band Pull-Apart: This popular resistance band exercise targets the back of the shoulders, and involves the rotator cuffs. While standing or sitting tall, hold the resistance band shoulder-width apart with your arms straight out in front of you. Keeping your shoulders down, pull your arms apart until the band touches your chest. Then slowly release back to the starting position. Strive for ten to fifteen reps. Finally, along with neck exercises, it's just as important to maintain proper posture while using your electronic devices. This is a big challenge for many and has to be self-checked regularly! One of the best things you can do is raise your screen to eye level while keeping your head in a neutral position. Also, sitting in a chair that slightly reclines helps keep the shoulders down and back while keeping the head from sliding forward. The combination of proper posture and routine neck exercise will keep the muscles relaxed and help fight the negative symptoms that 'tech-neck' can cause. We all use our personal tech devices daily and starting these good habits now will make the future a much more comfortable one. Visit our website to learn more about all of the great services we offer here at the Hunterdon Health & Wellness Centers! Enjoy a one day guest pass on us! H u n T E R D o n H E A L T H A n D w E L L n E s s C E n T E R L o C A T i o n s : Whitehouse Station: 537 Route 22 East, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 Clinton: 1738 Route 31 North, Clinton, NJ 08809 Lambertville: 333 North Main Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530 H u n T E R D o n H E A L T H n A m E D o n F o R b E s A m E R i C A ' s b E s T - i n - s T A T E E m p L o y E R s 2 0 2 3 L i s T Hunterdon Health has been named on the Forbes list of America's Best-in-State Employers 2023. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The list was announced on August 22, 2023, and can currently be viewed on the Forbes website. America's Best-in-State Employers 2023 were identified based on 2.1 million employer recommendations from employees working for companies with more than 500 employees in the United States. The recommended employers have been grouped into one of the 25 industry sectors. Employers with operations in more than one state were ranked in multiple states. The evaluation was made on a state-by-state basis and is based on three distinct criteria: In-state indirect recommendations, National in-industry indirect recommendations, Direct recommendations. Furthermore, employees were asked to give their opinions on a series of statements surrounding work-related topics of e.g. working conditions, diversity, salary, potential for development, and company image regarding their current employer. To learn more about Hunterdon Health, visit: "Once again... Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring." ~ Bram Stoker, Dracula

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