Clinton Township Newsletter

November 2021 Issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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3 n o v e m b e r 2 0 2 1 from Carol Beder's Oriental Rug Specialist Since 1934 Sale & Service of Oriental Rugs & Carpets Despite it all, I tend to live in a state of appreciation – at least, I try to. I can often find the silver lining in almost any situation, perhaps to an annoying degree. It certainly drives my opposite- minded husband crazy. Yes, there's probably a fine line between optimism/appreciation and denial, but I'll happily stand on that line anytime. Got hope? Yes – always. In this month of Thanksgiving, I'm reminded of the parts of my life for which I offer up gratitude daily. "People" are always at the top of my list. I learned an important life lesson as a teenager through a friend of mine who lived down my street. Her father was the youngest, fittest dad on the block – the guy who was always out running, lifting weights and playing with his kids. When my friend was 15 years old, one morning before leaving for a business trip on his way out the door, her father told her he loved her. She responded with a shrug – as she says, she was much more interested in what she called "15 year-old stuff: boys, make-up, whatever." His plane went down that morning and she never got to tell him she loved him one last time. "Never let that happen to you," she warned me, and ever since I've made sure to tell my loved ones (frequently) that they are loved. I'm grateful for my family and friends, all of the acquaintances I've made along the way, and those of you I feel I know, even though I haven't met you (yet). In my gratitude pie-chart, "people" would occupy a good half, if not more. Whenever we say a word of thanks at our table, I remind the family that we should be grateful not only for the people in our lives, but also for "the food on our table, the roof over our heads, and the clothes on our backs." I can't remember where I first heard this phrasing – probably Sunday School, but it really sums up the basics. Having endured this pandemic, terrorism, war, the recession, hurricanes, flooding and other miscellaneous calamities, I think we all collectively have a deeper appreciation for the essential necessities. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which side of the silver lining they place themselves, our kids will grow up taking nothing for granted. "Good health" is always high on my list. Our family has had its share of health issues, but we've survived. My dad, for the most part a silver lining type of guy, once spent 20 minutes on the phone with me telling me how everything was great, until he finally mentioned, "Well... I have a little cancer." "So then..," I responded, "everything is technically not-great, right?" But I know exactly what he meant; everything besides cancer was great. And it was. He's fine and well today, I'm happy to report, so perhaps the optimist really does live longer. Or at least they enjoy their years more? Not to sound like a broken record, but I have to say I'm really grateful that we live in such a great little corner of the world. For more on that, go to page 29 for the latest accolades for Hunterdon County. For the most part, y'all are healthy, wealthy and wise and, more importantly, this is one of the safest places in the country to raise kids. Clinton Township may not be perfect, but it is pretty darn great. Thanks for sharing it with me. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 1109 Rte. 31 S. Lebanon, NJ 08833 New Jersey Licensed Master Plumber #8722 Your Remodeling Experts! 908.735.4438 "Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel." – Author Unknown Julie Flynn

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