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m a r c h 2 0 2 1
W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M
s e n i O r s ' C O r n e r
t h e l e b a n O n b O r O U G h s e n i O r C l U b
The Lebanon Borough Senior Club normally meets every fourth Wednesday
at 10:00 am at the Lebanon Borough Municipal Building at 6 High Street,
Lebanon, with Bingo every second Monday but, due to the virus, all Lebanon
Borough Senior Trips have been cancelled for the remainder of this year.
Please call Madeline at: 908.287.7949 for more information on the club's
activities, and for information on the club's trips, please contact MaryAnn at:
908.236.8291. We hope that we'll all be able to get together again
soon – in the meantime, stay healthy and safe!
t h e C l i n t O n t O W n s h i p s e n i O r s ' C l U b
The Clinton Township Seniors' Club normally meets every
second Wednesday at 10:00 am in the lower level of the
Annandale Reformed Church. For more information,
call Sandy Pill at: 908.581.8352. Come join us!
P a r k i n s o n ' s D i s e a s e s u P P o r t G r o u P
The Parkinson's Disease Support Group normally meets monthly
at an evening meeting to discuss news, experiences, concerns and
questions. The hour-long meeting is usually held on the third Wednesday
of each month in the Grandin Room of the Hunterdon County Library, North
Branch, in Clinton at 7:00 pm, however, the meeting is suspended until
further notice due to Covid 19. Questions? Contact Ron Zak at:
908.730.6114 or email: ronzak@att.net.
Frank F.
Apgar & Sons
Septic Tank
Family Owned Business
In the spirit of giving, Hunterdon County Federated
Republican Women heard about increased need within
the community. Our members donated gift cards to
Veterans Haven North, and 320 pounds of food and
diapers to the Flemington Food Pantry. The HCFRW
meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at
Republican Headquarters, 1 Route 12, Flemington.
Call: 908. 303.5911 for more information.
G i V e b l O O d t O d a y a t h U n t e r d O n m e d i C a l C e n t e r
Lives are saved everyday by blood donors in our community. Hunterdon Medical Center depends heavily on regular
volunteer blood donors to maintain an adequate and safe blood supply. "Giving blood is the most generous act of
kindness that one human being can do for another. When you give blood, you save lives. Blood is used for accident
victims, newborn babies and their mothers who need a transfusion, people undergoing surgery, patients receiving
treatment for cancer and other diseases," states Cathy Conroy, Blood Donor Recruiter at Hunterdon Medical Center. To
be eligible to donate blood a person must be at least 17 years of age, be in good health and weigh at least 110 pounds. To
schedule an appointment or for more information, call Hunterdon Medical Center at: 908.788.6405.