Clinton Township Newsletter

September 2020 Issue of the Clinton Township Newsletter

Clinton Township Newsletter, Clinton New Jersey, May 2013 Issue

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1 6 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0 W W W . C L I N T O N T W P N E W S L E T T E R . C O M C L I N T O N T O W N S H I P S C H O O L N E W S P a r e n t Q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s w e r s Regarding Re-Opening Every Friday, we have been sending out update notices to our families and staff. We want to make sure that we share all new information in a timely manner. As we all have seen, this is an evolving situation and one that we know will continue to change over the next several months. As information is released to us, we will then put it in a newsletter format, including a link to the Q&A document. As new questions are submitted and answered, those answers can be viewed online. We will always post an update on Friday. Sincerely, Johanna S. Ruberto, Ed.D., Interim Superintendent Dear Clinton Township Community Members: During a recent presentation, Dr. Ruberto mentioned that she met with leadership in an online school. They estimated learning deficits of ~50%. How does that data translate to an in-person environment vs in a fully experienced online school setting? In an established online academy, they are technology rich and more experienced in an online learning platform. Clarification: To learn about the virtual platform, I met with a totally virtual school. It was estimated, not by the entity but through the utilization of formative data, that during the closing of schools in March to June, children could lose 40% in reading and 50% in Math. NJDOE directed that the mandated assessments would be administered in the Spring of 2020. Our District administered "benchmark" assessments in ELA and Math, K-8. The data was utilized to frame instruction. Moving forward, as identified in the plan, our District will be utilizing "MobyMax" and "Literably" as identified for benchmark assessments. Question: What will the limit be on the number of students on one bus? We might be comfortable with a bus that is at 50% or less of capacity but not more than that. No one will be able to monitor mask usage on the bus so we feel that this is very important that only every other seat is occupied unless within a single family. Answer: Transportation: 52-55: Mandatory Mask to maintain compliance and capacity of the bus. The provider has informed the District that they will follow all CDC Guidelines. Question: Will bus monitors be reinstated to ensure proper social distancing and mask etiquette during travel to and from school? Answer: At this time there are no plans for bus monitors. There will be fewer children on the buses and the expectation is all children will wear masks to and from school. Question: I know that this is a critical subject that everyone would like to comment/question and understand the time constraints for the public session, are there any options or considerations that we can allow for more of the open questions? Could we post the presentations/documents earlier? Answer: The district will continue to have open communication with parents. The parent question Google Form will remain open and monitored for additional questions asked. (The Parent Questions Regarding Reopening form may be found on the CTSD website: Question: Regarding the sanitizing protocols, are we ensuring that cleaning supplies are procured from qualified vendors? I am asking specifically because there have been several recalls issued by FDA due to inadequately manufactured hand sanitizers (due to the presence of methanol). Answer: The cleaning supplies are all from qualified vendors and meet all sanitizing standards. The District monitors for recalls by the FDA. Our supply vendors work with us directly to ensure all sanitizing supplies are safe and efficient for use in schools and around students and staff. Question: During the meeting, you mentioned backpack sanitizers machines for the schools? Do we know the method for sanitization, is it chemical? Is it UV? Answer: The backpack sanitizers use an electrostatic spray that uses a specialized solution that is combined with air and atomized by an electrode inside the sprayer. Subsequently, the spray contains positively charged particles that are able to aggressively adhere to objects surfaces and objects. Question: It was mentioned in the board meeting that the case managers will be reaching out regarding special education and specific needs related to each child's IEP. Will that happen before the decision about hybrid vs. remote learning is due next week, as some of that will impact our decision. Answer: All families of students eligible for special education services should choose between the hybrid program and the Virtual Academy. At this time*, the only families that will hear from case managers this week are those families of students who have specialized programs or pull out resource recommendations. If you have a specific concern related to another element of your child's program, please contact your case manager or the Office of Special Services. Question: Will it be addressed if a family is found to have dosed their child(ren) with Tylenol or cough meds to get through screening, as it puts their classmates and teachers/staff at risk? Answer: Families will be reminded to promote and work towards a healthy and safe environment for all by pledging to prevent the spread at the beginning of the school year. This pledge asks families to monitor their child(ren) for any and all symptoms and to respond to the daily screening accurately. We strongly discourage this practice in alignment with guidance from our school physician and the HC Department of Health. Question: Can you give a better description of how the all virtual option will run? Will the curriculum be the same? Answer: The curriculum that is set to the New Jersey State Learning Standards will be the same for the virtual academy and hybrid model. For the virtual academy, students will follow a similar schedule as the hybrid model. Teachers will take daily attendance and deliver a combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction. Question: Will virtual academy students be assigned to a teacher's roster and log in to the virtual classes live? Or will they be separate? Answer: Virtual academy students will have designated teachers that will take daily attendance and deliver a combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction. The expectation will be for students to log in daily and follow a set schedule. Question: Will guidance counselors check in with virtual academy students? Answer: Yes, guidance counselors will check in with both virtual academy and hybrid model students. Question: Will virtual academy plans include live class time for mostly a "social" connection? Answer: With the virtual model, students will follow a schedule and receive daily instruction. Social and emotional learning will be woven into the daily instruction. Instruction will be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous. Question: If there is an separate teacher for the online option, what happens if a student switches from virtual to in person for the second marking period? Does that mean the student gets a different teacher? Answer: At this time, we anticipate that teachers will all address remote and in- person learning. The remote students should be able to join in live classes as the schedules allow. Students enrolled in the Virtual Academy will have the option of switching into the hybrid model at the end of the first marking period and their class assignment will be made at that time because the number of students in each class must allow for social distancing, so yes the teacher may be different. Question: In considering the presentation on the NJSLA - Science Performance Levels and considering our return to school plans, how are we going to change our curricula for STEM disciplines for the lower grades? Answer: The science standards were just adopted for 2021 and planning for staff will take place in the second half of this year, although the standards have already been shared. As we move through this year, professional development on analysis of the tests and adjustments in instruction will take place. Question: Some students face anxiety about being live on the computer with the class, while older students can sometimes feel as though these group live sessions are not required. How will attendance be measured for the hybrid students on days they are at home and for the virtual academy students? Answer: We will be using the Qualtrics app for both pre-screening of students in buildings as well as participation/attendance for the children working remotely. The app will indicate that the student was online and involved in learning, as well as the work that is completed each day. More details and practice runs will be scheduled for August. *This information is from August 2020

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